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Synchronicity - The Roots of Coincidence

By J Finnis

Coincidence is where two or more unrelated things seem to occur in close enough proximity to suggest some relationship between them. Eg you dream of a school friend you haven't heard from for years only to get a reunion invitation from that same person next day.

Between getting the idea for this post and actually writing it a friend told me of two instances when people she hadn't seen for ages came into her mind. The first she ran into on the street next day, and the second happened to be on the TV when she walked into the next room! And, on the day I posted this, I happened to be flicking through the TV channels and started watching an old series (of about 80 episodes). Bizarrely the episode being shown was the same that I happened upon over 4 years ago also by channel-flicking. I don't follow this series and don't recall having watched it inbetween times. Coincidence, or what?

We all experience coincidences. And quite often they send a little shiver down our spine as though signaling some greater hidden force is at work.

But before getting too carried away, let's make it clear - coincidence happens as a fact of nature. For example, if you continually roll two dice, once in six they will come up with the same number. Nothing spooky about that. Coincidences are significant only when they occur more frequently that chance suggests they should.

The great Swiss psychologist C.G. Jung coined the term synchronicity to describe "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events", ie coincidence. Jung ascribed the phenomenon to some "acausal connecting principle", ie he postulates some greater, unseen, reality having a direct effect on earthly events.

When we are born, a small part of Spirit associates itself with our physical body. But while incarnate the knowledge of our Spiritual nature is buried deep within. Our focus needs to be on earthly matters both to survive, and to fulfill our purpose in being here.

But we remain Spirit; and occasionally we glimpse evidence of that reality. Like us, the physical universe manifests from Spirit and remains subordinate to Spirit. Largely it operates deterministically, but within that apparent determinism lie clues to the existence of a greater reality.

It's a bit like we're puppets (albeit with our own Will) in a puppet theatre. We make our moves and observe the moves of others, but remain unaware of the hidden (Spiritual) force that is pulling the strings save for the occasional glimpse of its influence. Perhaps part of our role in this life is to rediscover our Spiritual essence after having it hidden from us. Coincidence provides but one signpost along that journey.

Johnny Finnis is the editor of new age spirituality - exploring the idea that this life, this world, is not the totality of our existence. In fact, it might be just one small part of something much bigger, just one tiny step along an infinite journey... Have your say on our blog A Spiritual Voice

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Spirituality Information: Life is a Process of Inquiry by Richard D. Blackstone

The quest for spirituality information requires you to inquire within for the answers you seek. There is no God or universe “out there”. Your spiritual journey is one of seeking, attaining and then going beyond. Begin your journey by looking at the physical world that you have created.

We live in a relationship world. Everything in the physical universe is defined and categorized in relation to what it is not. Nothing is absolute except change.

The nature of the universe is a constant, on-going, never-ending, moment-to-moment participation in change. The whole universe changes from nano-second to nano-second.

We, as individuals, change with every breath we take. Every cell in our body changes and it has been documented that in seven short years every cell of our body is different.

Life is change.

We aren't totally cognizant of this phenomenon because we live our lives at a vibratory level that allows the senses to slow down our perspective so that we view these on-going changes at a slower pace. Although we can step back from this slower perspective and view this higher vibration self any time we desire, during our day-to-day living we usually choose not to do that. We are too caught up in our on-going dramas to truly stop what we are doing and reflect on “what serves us.”

The changes that we do see in life are recognized and analyzed through our five physical senses of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. As we delve deeper into this exploration of change, we begin to understand that we also interpret our world through our metaphysical senses. This is where we get into those concepts that are known to us on a more esoteric level but known to us nonetheless.

Concepts such as intuition, clairvoyance, second sight, déjà vu and synchronicity are also part of our makeup when we look at ourselves from a more detached perspective. When we allow ourselves to step back from this physical mass of skull and bones and skin and blood and guts and gray matter and lots of fluids we begin to understand that we are so much more than this physical, three dimensional body.

This is when we come to know that we are truly, at our essence, a three-part being made up of mind, body and spirit.

That is who we really are.

We are three-part beings living in a world of dualities. This statement alone goes a long way in explaining why we are not always “being what serves us.” It is because we are not always being who we really are.

Who we really are is a three-part being made up of mind, body and spirit. That is who we really are. However, we live in a universe based in duality relationships, so most of us have carried that pervasive duality definition into how we define ourselves.

We tend to define ourselves as a two-part being made up of a body and a mind. This makes sense because our “senses” are the tools we use for analyzing who we are and what we do. It makes sense to use our senses in this manner, doesn't it?

Unfortunately, we are only using our physical senses. But remember, who we really are is a three-part being and we possess not only our physical senses but also our nonphysical and metaphysical senses.

What are these you ask? They are the mind and spirit part of this three-part being that we really are. We are all triad beings living in a world of dualities. Herein lies the crux of the troubles and turmoil in which the human species finds itself at this particular point in our never-ending evolution, but fortunately this is also our salvation from these very same troubles and turmoil.

We, as individuals and as societies, need to understand from a larger, clearer perspective what this concept of our triad makeup is all about.

We, as individuals and as societies, need to understand from a larger, clearer perspective what this concept of living in a world of dualities is all about.

We, as individuals and as societies, need to understand from a larger, clearer perspective “what serves us” and “what does not serve us.”

The answers to these questions and, indeed, every question you have about life, are not found in the exterior world of physicality, they are found in the interior world of our spiritual self.

Go within and begin the process of awareness and understanding of “Who you really are” and continue this process as the universe sends you the answers.

Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at:

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